Better Bands have improved upon the decades-old design of the rubber shock mounts on the 309A mount for the RE20.
Stronger, better designed bands means less replacement and savings for you (and your station).
- Better Design: Better Bands are created with more than twice the amount of material as OEM bands, with 100% less of the typical stress points. Wider and stronger means more resilient than the competition.
- Better Material: Unlike OEM bands, Better Bands are made with specially formulated silicone that is heat resistant, strong, yet stretchy enough to connect to your mount.
- Better Connections: The three “connection points” of the band are stronger than OEM bands. The “knuckle” is wider than the OEM band, ensuring a snug fit to the mount without sliding.
- Better Longevity: Better material. Better design. Better connection points. It makes for a product that lasts longer (unless your talent is a knife-wielding insane person).
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